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The parish pastoral council, in collaboration with the pastor, assumes the overall well-being of the parish, present and future. Its primary work is strategic pastoral planning; its secondary work is consultative, proposing practical solutions to the ongoing life of the parish. Meetings take place the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in Room 112. |
The purpose of the Administration/Finance Council is to see to the planning, providing for and supervising the financial affairs and physical properties of the parish. Meetings take place the third Wednesday of the month. |
Current Members: Fr. Mark Cote, Roy Peterson (at-large), Esmeralda Yambao (at-large), Pat O’Donnell (at-large), Dawn Kunz (Chairperson, at-large), Dave Jandris (vice-chairperson, at-large), Jerry Munley (Worship Commission), Margaret Wagner (Christian Service Commission), Sandy Schuller (Administration Council), Marlene Clark (Parish Life Commission), Nancy Stock (Education Commission—Religious Formation), and Jonah Tran (Youth Representative).
There is an open positions for a representative from the Education Commission—School. |
Current Members: Fr. Mark Cote, Kim Krumviede, Sandy Schuller, Ron Somaska, Henry Ristic, Kelly Kramerich |
The Parish Pastoral Council is the visioning body of the parish. In order to complete our mission, the lines of communication between you, the members of our parish family, and the council must remain open. In an effort to facilitate lines of communication we ask you to share your needs, wants and concerns by contacting us by e-mail at parishoffice@stscholasticaparish.org. Please type “Parish Pastoral Council” in the subject area. |
The purpose of the Worship Commission is to provide meaningful communal prayer experiences. It promotes continuous liturgical and spiritual renewal of the parish community. Meetings take place the third Tuesday of the month. |
Current Members: Fr. Mark Cote, Kelly Kramerich, Alison Chandler, and Jennifer Olson |
Current Members: Kurt Meyer, Vicki Tuch, Robert Miller, Jerry Munley, Deacon Bob Wallace, Deacon Tom Marciani |
The Christian Education Commission is responsible for the on-going faith formation needs of all age groups in the parish. The education of the parish regarding the teaching mission of the Church is the heart and soul of this commission’s work. As such, the commission is charged with the responsibility of coordinating and providing life-long Christian formation for all members of the parish. |
St. Scholastica Parish
Contact Us: |
St. Scholastica Parish 7800 Janes Avenue Woodridge, IL 60517 |
The purpose of the Service Commission is to enable the parish community to put into practice the social teaching of the church. The commission creates or promotes—both at the local level and in the broader community of city, state, nation, and world—programs which respond to human needs and work for justice.
Current Members: Barbara Schmith, Elevene Bryant, Margaret Wagner, Beverly Murphy, Shawn Denning-Ross, Phyllis Roman, Deacon Tom Marciani, Deacon Bob Wallace |
What is St. Scholastica all about?
Read the
Parish Pastoral Plan 2016
Parish Pastoral Plan 2020
Parish Pastoral Plan Assessment 2019
Read the minutes from past Parish Pastoral Council Meetings: |
The purpose of the Parish Life Commission is to provide activities and coordinate organizations that enhance the welcoming and community of the parish.
Current Members: Marlene Clark, Mark Hodges, Kathy Nartnick, Cathy Mehl, Ted Kmiotek, Mary Campbell |