
Staff Contacts

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Parish Faith Formation


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St. Scholastica Parish

7800 Janes Avenue

Woodridge, IL 60517

Parish Faith Formation provides opportunities for Catholics to be educated and informed about their faith “from womb to tomb.”

Parish Faith Formation

Our Family

Living    Loving    Serving    God


Sexual abuse is a sin and a crime. Victims of sexual abuse, in addition to contacting civil authorities, are asked to come forward in order to receive pastoral assistance. The Church has a responsibility to help victims of sexual abuse and to ensure that offenders are brought to justice. Reports may be made to any pastor or to Mrs. Barbara Jarvis Pauls at 815-263-6467. Contact DCFS at 1-800-25-ABUSE.

Our Religious Education Program provides faith formation classes and experiences for children from 1st through 8th grade. Class sessions closely follow the school schedule, and take place on Tuesday evenings.

Opportunities for Adult Faith Formation, as well as many parish sponsored speakers throughout the year.

Adult Programs

Our Youth Ministry Program provides opportunities for students in Junior High and High School to develop their relationship with God and better understand what being a Christian is all about.

S.T.O.R.M. Youth Ministry

As a Catholic parish school educating children in kindergarten through grade eight, St. Scholastica serves the needs of the community regardless of race, color, sex, nationality, or ethnic origin.


To contact us call:   630.985.9255x117

Download and print 2024/2025 Registration Forms


Preparation for marriage involves special instruction for the couple. Notification to the Parish Administration Center is required at least 6 months in advance. Please call Sue at the Parish Administration Center, 630.985.2351, ext. 124, or contact her by e-mail at SGosewehr@stscholasticparish.org for more information.

Congratulations of the birth of your child! 

Our Baptism Preparation Class is an on-line course. 

Please contact Marisa at mtrevino@stscholasticaparish.org to register for the program. 

Baptisms can only be scheduled after completion of this class.

Sacrament of Baptism

Sacrament of Marriage

When a loved one dies, there are many questions to be answered.  Your first step is to contact a funeral home.  The funeral director will guide you as to what needs to take place in order to celebrate the life of your loved one. Please call the Parish Office at 630.985.2351, ext. 127, if you have any questions or need guidance. The link at the left will provide our Funeral Mass planning guide. 

Planning a Funeral Mass

Visit the school web site by clicking here