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St. Scholastica Parish

7800 Janes Avenue

Woodridge, IL 60517

Text Box: Adult Programs

Our Family

Living    Loving    Serving    God

Pope Francis asks us “to make room in our hearts for those who have sinned, those who have made mistakes and are in jail." St. Scholastica partners with Companions Journeying Together to start a pen pal club; parishioners will have the opportunity to be a pen pal with a person who is imprisoned.  

Mail time is very hard for those who never receive a card or letter.  Will you consider joining our club?

Companions offers us a post office box to use as a return address, and they will also provide training.

Being present to a person in prison can make a big difference. One prisoner expressed it this way, “When you have someone writing to you regularly it really does affect a person’s whole attitude and outlook.”     

email Shawn Denning sdenning@stscholasticaparish.org

Pen Pal Ministry to Prisoners

Phone: 1.630.985.2351

Fax: 1.630.985.8770

E-mail: parishoffice@stscholasticaparish.org

St. Scholastica Parish


To Contact Us:


Catholics Returning Home


Do you know someone who has left the Church?  Most of us do not have to look very far to find non-practicing Catholics in our circle of family and friends.  Many of us are concerned about these loved ones, but we don’t know how to help them.  Obviously, most of them are searching, but how can we help them find their way home?

· pray for them

· extend a personal invitation to them; tell them that we miss them and would like for them to come back home to our Church family

· pass this on to anyone who might be interested

Bereavement Support Needed?


We hope to meet the needs of those in the parish who are grieving a loss – recent or not so recent. 

email Shawn Denning sdenning@stscholasticaparish.org for meeting schedule.

Your funeral home possibly has supportive links on their website, ask them or go to their web site.

You can sign up at www.griefshare.org for 365 daily, encouraging emails. 

These sites may also offer you some things of value:

· http://www.garyroe.com

· http://grief.com

· https://griefjourney.com

We wish you God’s peace and blessings on your journey.

REACH OUT to divorced Catholic neighbors, friends, and relatives by sharing these websites:




The sites lovingly help clear up misconceptions concerning separation, divorce and remarriage in and outside the Catholic Church.

“Let these men and women know that the Church loves them and that she is not far from them. The divorced and remarried are and remain her members, because they have received Baptism and retain their Christian faith.” Pope John Paul II, Feb. 1997

Adult Confirmation


Catholic Adults 18 years old or older may only be seeking the Sacrament of Confirmation. Sessions are scheduled for January and February each year to be with these adults and prepare them for the sacrament.  The Sacrament is then conferred to them at the Cathedral of St. Raymond Nonnatus, Joliet, Illinois on a Sunday afternoon during the Easter Season each Spring.  For more information on Adult Confirmation, please contact Alison Chandler at religiousformation@stscholasticaparish.org

Becoming Catholic - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults


We are happy that you are interested in learning more about becoming Catholic. We are available to answer any questions you have as you begin this spiritual process of conversion.


· What is RCIA?

· Who is RCIA For?

· How long is RCIA?

· What happens during Inquiry?

· What is an RCIA Sponsor and do I need one?

· What are the requirements to be a Sponsor?

For more information on RCIA or to become a sponsor or a team member,  please contact the Parish Office